A nice picture, too bad!

GlSurf: OpenGl implicit surface drawing

by C. Raffalli

Current version is 3.3.1

GlSurf is a program (similar to Surf) to draw surfaces and curves from their implicit equations (that is drawing the set of points (x,y,z) such that f(x,y,z) = 0).

It offers an intuitive and simple syntax to construct your functions, it can draw multiple surfaces simultaneously and it can use all the power of OpenGl to animate the surface, use transparency, etc ...

Requirements to use GlSurf

Requirements to compile GlSurf:

Wishes list (you may contribute):

Download and links

Look at the next images and imagine that you can rotate or fly in them ! Do not wait: get GlSurf !

Remark: the first two images are identical except that the first one was done with GlSurf 1.1 while the second was done with GlSurf 2.0. You can see the difference (less triangles).

A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!A nice picture, too bad!