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Compiling and importing

When you have written a file foo.phx, you can compile it using the command:

phox -c foo.phx

This compilation generates two files foo.phi and foo.pho and possibly one or more LaTeX file (see the chapter 9).

The file foo.pho is a core image of just after the compilation. You can use it to restart in a state equivalent to the state it had after reading the last line of the file foo.phx. This is useful when developing to avoid executing each line in the file before continuing it.

The file foo.phi is used when you want to reuse the theory developed in the file foo.phx. To do so you can use the command:

Import foo.

This command includes all the objects declared in the file foo.phx. The above rules are used to resolve name conflicts.

Christophe Raffalli 2005-03-02