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Basic definitions

To define the sums (disjoint union) of two predicates, we extend the language with two unary function symbols inl x and inr x .

\afdmath{}\text{\rm inl}\endafdmath{} : 'a $...
...'a, 'b]

\afdmath{}\text{\rm inr}\endafdmath{} : 'b $...
...'a, 'b]

\begin{definition}[ Sum of predicates ]~
\afdmath{}(\text{\it A}...
...\SaveVerb{Verb}Sum A B z\marginpar{\UseVerb{Verb}}\end{center}\end{definition}

\begin{axiom}[ ]\hspace{1cm}
\item %
\afdmath{}\text{\rm inl}.\t...{}\endprettybox{}\endprettybox{}\endafdmmath{}}

inl_not_inr.Sum added as elimination rule (abbrev: inl_not_inr , options: -i -n )

The last claim is added as invertible elimination rule.

\begin{fact}[ Introduction rules for sums ]\hspace{1cm}
\item %
...tion rule (abbrev: \verb ...

\begin{fact}[ elimination rules for sums ]\hspace{1cm}
\item %
...ev: \verb ...

These four rules and are added as invertible elimination rules.

Christophe Raffalli 2005-03-02