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We define

\afdmath{}\text{\rm caseP}\hspace{0.2em} \...
...eVerb{Verb}caseP f g z r\marginpar{\UseVerb{Verb}}\end{center}\end{definition}

and we prove the following:

Using the definite description, we define:

\begin{definition}[ match function on sums ]~
...SaveVerb{Verb}case f g z\marginpar{\UseVerb{Verb}}\end{center}\end{definition}

Then using the properties of the definite description, we prove the following propositions.

\begin{fact}[ Characteristic properties of case ]\hspace{1cm}
...ight}.\text{\rm Sum}\endafdmath{} added as equation

we add these facts as rewriting rules and we close the definition of case .

We also prove :

\afdmath{}\text{\rm case}.\text{\rm total}.\text{\rm Sum}\endafdm...
\text{\it z}\right)\endprettybox{}\endprettybox{}\endafdmmath{}
\end{fact} added as introduction rule (abbrev: case , options: -t )

List Christophe Raffalli, Paul Roziere Equipe de Logique, Université Chambéry, Paris VII

Christophe Raffalli 2005-03-02