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Properties of basic operations and predicates on the product.

Basic definitions

To define the product of two predicates, we extend the language with one binary function symbol [ x, y ] . Then the product of two unary predicates is defined by the following predicate A × B

\begin{definition}[ Product ]\hspace{1cm}
\item product['a,'b]
...erb{Verb}Product A B p\marginpar{\UseVerb{Verb}}

The introduction rule for ×

\afdmath{}\text{\rm intro}.\text{\rm Product}\endafdmath{}]Produc...
\text{\it y}\right)\endprettybox{}\endprettybox{}\endafdmmath{}

intro.Product added as introduction rule (abbrev: i , options: -i -c )

The elimination rules for ×

\afdmath{}\text{\rm elim}.\text{\rm Product}\endafdmath{}]Product...
\text{\it X}\right)\endprettybox{}\endafdmmath{}

elim.Product added as elimination rule (abbrev: r , options: -i )

\afdmath{}\text{\rm injective}.\text{\rm Product}\endafdmath{}]P...

\afdmath{}\text{\rm injective}\_\text{\rm left}.\text{\rm Product...
\text{\it X}\right)\endprettybox{}\endafdmmath{}

injective_left.Product added as elimination rule (abbrev: Product , options: -i -n )

Christophe Raffalli 2005-03-02